Medina Infos


medina saudi arabia
6:43 pm, Mar 14, 2025
temperature icon 34°C
few clouds
Humidity 15 %
Pressure 1010 mb
Wind 8 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
Clouds Clouds: 20%
Visibility Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:31 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:29 pm

Museums and Heritage

Find all the best Museums and Heritage sites here….

Heritages and Museums

The Beautiful Names of Allah Gallery– The exhibition displays, on large posters, the names of Allah and their meanings and will remain open for another year and be expanded to accommodate additional sections.

The Medina Media Museum, located close to the Masjid-al Nabawi is well worth a visit for those interested in getting to know the history of Islam and the city of Medina.

Al Madinah Museums– It is the first museum specialized in the history and urban and the built heritage of Al Madinah. The museum showcases the Islamic heritage and culture, as well as the city’s magnificent and substantial history…